11. Mass and Center of Mass
d. Electric Charge
1. Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density
On the previous pages, we considered a bar with a non-uniform distribution of mass specified by a linear mass density \(\delta(x)\). We now consider a bar with a non-uniform distribution of electric charge specified by a linear electric charge density \(\delta_e(x)\). The main difference is that the mass density is always positive while the charge density can be positive or negative indicating that some parts of the bar have positive charge and other parts have negative charge.

The computation of the total charge on the bar is exactly the same as the computation of the total mass but using \(\delta_e(x)\) instead of \(\delta(x)\). However, the total charge is usually called the net charge because the positive charge cancels with the negative charge leaving a net charge.
The net electric charge on a bar with linear charge density \(\delta_e(x)\) between \(x=a\) and \(x=b\) is: \[ Q=\int_a^b \delta_e(x)\,dx \]
Find the net charge on an \(8\,\text{m}\) bar whose linear charge density is \(\delta_e(x)=(1-x)\dfrac{\text{coul}}{\text{m}}\) if \(x\) is measured from one end.

The net charge is \[\begin{aligned} Q&=\int_0^8 \delta_e(x)\,dx =\int_0^8 (1-x)\,dx \\ &=\left[x-\dfrac{x^2}{2}\right]_{x=0}^8 =8-\dfrac{64}{2}=-24\,\text{coul} \end{aligned}\]
Here's one for you:
Find the net charge on an \(6\,\text{ft}\) bar whose linear charge density is \(\delta_e(x)=(x^2-4)\dfrac{\text{coul}}{\text{ft}}\) where \(x\) is measured from one end.

\[\begin{aligned} Q&=\int_0^6 \delta_e(x)\,dx =\int_0^6 (x^2-4)\,dx \\ &=\left[\dfrac{x^3}{3}-4x\right]_0^6 =\dfrac{216}{3}-24=48\,\text{coul} \end{aligned}\]
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